

I'm proud to announce my new blog: Melificent.
Please bookmark it as it will be the only place I will be posting from now on.

Feedback appreciated - just make sure to leave it on the new blog!
Peace out, Blogger!



For my absence as of late again, but this time it is for a very good reason that I think you will
all approve of! The hubs has been working very hard on my new (!!!) blog, to the point that it
is almost ready to unveil. I am so freaking excited, guys. I have never had my own fancy website
and am lucky enough to have someone as talented as the hubs at the helm of design.

So hang in there, do not give up on me because I hope my next post will be redirecting all of you
to my pretty new home on the world wide web. And then you will never be able to get rid of me.
I will be posting regularly and trying my best to bring the best content possible to keep you all

Ta-ta for now!



I love Lily Allen (a lot actually), but she probably should have thought twice
before getting her barely covered naughty parts so close to such a grabby

Talk about an intimate concert experience...



Photo credit: El Sanchez

So what if I have a preference? ;)
Last night was the premiere of Heroes Volume 4 & I loved every second of it.
OK, well maybe not when the words "to be continued" appeared on the screen,
but every other moment was great. I know it was basically a "set up" episode so
not a lot of action really happened, but I can't wait to see the way this volume
plays out.

There have been rumors that due to huge rating drops, Heroes may not be on the
air after Volume 4 if those ratings don't increase in the next few months so if you are
a fan or even teetering on fandom - please watch! Let's help Heroes stay on the air or
I don't know what will become of my Monday nights.

What do you guys think? Still a fan? Think the show sucks now? Think I'm a
delusional fangirl? Leave me some comment love, whatever it may be!


Monday Conundrum

Although this happened on Saturday, I figured it would make for a perfect Monday tale.
The hubs, myself and all our friends were very excited when Ticketmaster issued us an
alert that Girl Talk would be coming to Miami in April. So happy we were willing to drop
the cash back in October to secure our spot in the crowd.

Sidebar: If you are unfamiliar with Girl Talk, they were one of my favorite albums of '08 -
& can be found in this post.

While shopping on Saturday afternoon, we received a text from one of our friends that the
tickets we had bought for April were not for the artist, Girl Talk, but rather the gospel play.
That's right. Gospel Play. All of a sudden, things started to come together: the cheap ticket
price, the venue deep in the heart of Overtown, etc. We were dupped.

Thankfully, Girl Talk is still coming to Miami next month but with the Langerado festival.
This is good news for some, but not for me as I am only buying a one day ticket for Saturday
& Girl Talk will be playing on Sunday. Boo freaking hoo.

Worst part? I don't think we'll be able to get a refund as it was just confusion on our part &
not a postponed or cancelled event.

A part of me wants to attend the play in my best indie attire and stage a riot when the play
begins. But I think I'll just settle for making an angry fist of fury in Ticketmaster's general


Melificent in a nutshell made of words

Provided by Wordle
Gee, do you think I like LOST?
I need therapy.


Friday treat

My lovely friend sent me a link to this video earlier this week & I figured I would
share it with all of you. She knows I have a long standing Elijah Wood crush &
although I loved the fact that he was in it, I'm happy it turned me on to a new
artist & amazing new song to love.

I also love that this was shot at Galco's Soda Pop Shop in Los Angeles, a store
devoted to carrying rare glass-bottled sodas. It sounds like a place that I would
love to visit.

How The Day Sounds from Miky Wolf on Vimeo.

Enjoy & have a great weekend!


So last night was our LOST party and as expected, we had a great
time being a bunch of nerds together. The polar bear was a big hit
and got a lot of love throughout the night by our guests, there was
a special appearance by the infamous snuggie and everyone enjoyed
their Dharma beverages. Unfortunately, the weather was uncharacteristically
freezing so the ringlight photoshoot was a no-go. I did manage to brave
the cold long enough at the end of the night to get a few good Dharma
propaganda shots!

Credit: El Sanchez

As far as the show goes, I thought it was outstanding! I think watching
it along with so many LOST fans this time around made it that much better -
there really was a feeling of excitement in the air (as corny as that may
sound). I do not want to include any spoilers for those that may not have
seen it yet or still plan on jumping on the LOST bandwagon, but suffice it
to say that I was very pleased. I just really hope that the rest of the season
can keep this pace because if so, we are in for a great one!

Up next? Heroes Volume 4 viewing party! Hell yes.


LOSTies rejoice!

Taken @ the end of last year's LOST party.

After what seems like years (but in actuality was only 8 months), LOST will finally be back
with its 5th season. I am extremely proud to have been a Lostie from even before day one.
I am one of the few that can boast that I saw the series premiere of LOST several months
before it aired to the public at San Diego's Comic Con International. And not only that, but
I got to watch it along with several members of the cast & be present during a Q & A panel.
Super cool, right? Right.

I have been hooked ever since. Sure, the show has had its share of low points, but I have always
been a steady fan. I really believe that no other show out there right now can bring the same
intelligence and creativity that LOST does. It is a rare breed.

So it's no surprise that for the past 3 years or so we have hosted LOST viewing parties for both
the season premieres and finales. Tonight is no different! We are actually hosting our largest
LOST party to date with (I believe) 13 guests! The party planner in me cannot just lay out the
chips and dip and provide the couch and TV...I go all out in true Melificent fashion. I bought
a stuffed polar bear and have clothed all our drinks with appropriate Dharma labels. Plus, we'll
be having a LOST themed ringlight photo shoot to boot!

I'll be back tomorrow with a full update with my thoughts on the opener as well as party details,
but for now enjoy this fun time lapse video of me putting together all the labels while watching
last night's awesome episode of Fringe (best is at 2:34 when I become caught up in the show & do
my classic OMGZ!!!! face). Yes, this totally made me realize that J.J. Abrams owns me. I am aware.

LOST party prep from Melissa Sanchez on Vimeo.




Happy Inauguration Day, everyone!
I hope the next 4 years bring us positivity & moves us in the right direction.

If you are excited about the inauguration & want to share the happiness with
your BFF (aka: your desktop), check out my husband's crudely appropriate
wallpaper on his website.


Internet Celebrity?

The Internet sure is a funny place.

Last Saturday night we celebrated our good friend Ian's birthday with a rousing game
of laser tag followed by some amazing beer at our favorite Broward bar, Ye Olde Falcon
. While at the pub, we noticed a group of people to our left that were seeming to have
a great time with each other and were obviously very very drunk. As we were getting ready
to leave, one of them pointed out Ian's camera (he's a photographer for the Sun Sentinel)
and started chatting about photography (she was a photographer as well).

It was at that moment that one of the girls in the group made eye contact with me and
began flailing around shouting "you are on THE KNOT!" I couldn't help but laugh as my
husband just looked on in awe of the whole interaction. She got so excited and went on
to say how she loved our wedding and was borrowing some of our ideas and was just
generally giddy. We left shortly after and as we were walking outside to our car, the hubs
just looks at me & says, "OMG you are an Internet celebrity. I can't believe people are
recognizing you when we go out."

It was quite possibly the most random, flattering, strange, awesome thing that has happened
to me as of late and really got me thinking about the power the Internet holds. Did The
Knot really make me a local Internet celebrity?

If it did, I better not let this fame get to my head. ;)

Happy MLK day, everyone!


Inspiring lady.

Photo credit goes to: calanan.com

OK. I'll admit it.
I love a lot of things...well...a lot.
I'm one of those people that say "I love _____" often. What can I say?
I suppose I abuse the word. But I really do just find so many things to be
so many levels of awesome.

And I guess this is one of them, but I still find her to be extra special.
Who am I talking about?
Dooce, of course.

Although I have been a bad blogger lately and not kept up with her writings,
I have to admit that she is such an inspiration. And not only to fellow bloggers,
but to women in general. Hell, to people in general.

She has this uncanny ability to bear her soul without hesitation. There it
is. Just out there for everyone to read (and see). No fear. Just complete and total
exposure. And it's refreshing. And it's beautiful. And it's life. And your invited.

I highly recommend subscribing to her blog. She is currently 18 weeks pregnant
with her second child and I don't think I've ever been happier for anyone I did not
know personally. It's kind of silly, but that's the connection she makes with her readers.
For example, the highlight of my husband's trip to SXSW was getting to dance with
her at one of the after parties. And my husband does not fanboy often. He did this time.

And as if reading her daily musings wasn't great enough, she has finally published a
book of her memoirs documenting her first pregnancy and subsequent postpartum
depression: It Sucked, and Then I Cried. It will be available on March 24th, but is
currently available for pre-order at Amazon.com and you better believe I will have
a copy. She is also doing a handy-dandy book tour in select cities, which unfortunately
Miami is not a part of. Wretched. But maybe your city is lucky enough to host her!

So in conclusion, I may fangirl often but take my word on this one.


The Best&Worst of the 'Globes.

Unfortunately for my husband, I really enjoy watching red carpet footage from any
Hollywood event and looking at all the beautiful (& not so beautiful) people.

Last night were the Golden Globes and although kind of snorefest-y, I found myself
somehow bearing the full 3 hours (again, poor husband). I'm one of the few that found
Kate Winslet's acceptance speech extremely genuine & heartfelt, am very intrigued to
now watch Slumdog Millionaire, was very excited to see my Mr. Quinto
presenting on-stage, wondered who the hell styled Drew Barrymore, and why Sting
was suddenly homeless.

There were other thoughts, of course, but here is what every red blooded female
cares about when it comes to award shows: the fashion! So without further ado,
here is my best & worst list from the evening:

OK, so I just wanted to squeal and swoon over that last photo. Can't blame a girl, right?

Eva Longoria's gown was ridiculous. And by ridiculous I mean outrageous! Look at it! If
I was getting married all over again, this would be the dress I would be replicating. It hugged
her in all the right places and I adored the scalloped neckline. Rumer Willis, although not my
favorite person out there, looked amazing (& I don't say that much). Purple is the new hot
color and it definitely worked for her. January Jones is not an actress I'm familiar with since
I haven't watched an episode of Mad Men yet, but her dress immediately caught my
eye. It was so whimsical and retro - perfectly complimenting her beautiful hair do. Love her
already! Finally, Sandra just looked so well put together and classy. She tends to always look
pretty flawless and this was no exception.

This list always seems a lot easier to compile. Sigh. It makes me want to buy each of them a
full-length mirror. Jennifer Lopez, honey. Seriously. You've already shocked us with your half
naked ensemble years ago when you were younger and in better shape. Now it just seems desperate
and so horribly wrong. Renee Zellweger looked like she just joined the Cullen family, Drew
Barrymore looked like she just walked out of a trailer park with that big bleached blonde hair &
terrible black roots, and Kate Beckinsale was attacking everyone with her unruly "neckline" (?).
Finally, poor poor Mickey Rourke. I didn't know him and Steven Tyler were so tight they shared

What did you guys think?
Do you agree with my choices?


Bad Blogger Meli

I hope you all have a great weekend!
Sorry for the lack of content this week, but I just started school again &
I'm trying to get back in the swing of things...It's been a good 3 years
since I've taken a class so I'm kind of rusty!

But have no fear, I will be up and running on the blog front again next
week. Plus, my pretty new blog is in the works and I'll hopefully be able
to premiere it by next month.

Big things, people.
Big things.



Nerd alert.

TV viewing party gear?

These two lovelies thanks to Cafepress.com.
And ps; the Sylar shirt department needs to improve.


2008 Highlights

Now that 2009 is upon us, here is a fun pictorial of the
highlights of my 2008. Here's to the new year which will
be full of new, amazing memories to come!